Journal for Presentation of Interdisciplinary Approaches in Various Fields

About the journal

The main pourpose of the journal "INTERDISCIPLINARITY IN THEORY AND PRACTICE" is a presentation of modern approaches in the intensively developing interdisciplinary branches of science in order to offer useful information for readers as well as to propose a possibility to integrate these knowledge into the scientific-research and educational areas of readers. The multidisciplinary character of individual articles is substantial for this journal. All articles are oriented into the domains of theory and research and they are reviewed professionally. The reviewers are competent fully in their research branches; they are reputable experts with a wide range of the relevant scientific-research activities. The research-oriented articles will offer results of the original research activities of authors with a correct methodological embedding, adequate theoretical support and with an importance within the relevant international scientific communities. This journal will publish not only the essential theoretical and research studies but also the selected papers from conferences oriented into the intended area.


Editorial board 


Assoc. Prof. Ing.  Naqib DANESHJO, PhD., SK



Prof. Cristian DOICIN, PhD., Romania

Prof. Miodrag HADŽISTEVIĆ, Serbia

Dr. Florin DOMNITA, PhD. Romania

Prof. Ing. Jozef ZAJAC, CSc., Slovakia

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Igor BUDAK, Serbia

Assoc, Prof. Dr.Sc. Aco ANTIC, Serbia

Assoc. prof. Cornel MUNTEA, PhD, Romania

Ing. Peter MALEGA, PhD., Slovakia

Dr hab. Ing. Andrzej PACANA, Prof PRz. Poland

Prof. h. c. prof. Ing. Milan MAJERNÍK, PhD., Slovakia

Dr hab. Ing. Stanislaw GEDEK, Prof PRz Poland

Prof. Ing. Vojtech DIRNER, CSc., Czech Republic

Doc. Ing.  Marián KRÁLIK, CSc., Slovakia  

Assoc. Prof. Ing. Svitlana STRELNYK OLEXANDRIVNA, PhD., Ukraine

Assoc. Prof. Ing. Alena PAULIKOVÁ, PhD., Slovakia

Prof. Ing. Adrian OLARU, PhD., Romania

Prof. Eng. Mohamad Alaa Eddin AL ALI, PhD., France

Prof. RNDr. Dušan KNEŽO, CSc., Slovakia

Ing. Cengiz ERDOGAN, PhD., Germany

Prof. Ing. Vincent KVOČÁK, PhD., Slovakia

Ing. Mohamad AL ALI, PhD., Syria

Assoc. Prof. Ing. Stanislav SZABO, PhD., MBA., Slovakia

Ing. Enayat DANISHJOO, PhD., Germany

Assoc. Prof. Ing. Nikitin Jurij RAFAILOVICH, PhD., Russian Federation

Ing. Sameer ABDO ALRABEEI, PhD., Yemen

Ing. Peter PLATKO, PhD., Slovakia



Ing. Cristian Dan STRATYINSKI, SK


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ISSN: 2344 - 2409

ISSN-L: 2344 - 2409



Copyright © 2013 ITPB