NR.:10 YEAR: 2016
Arsic D.- Lazic V. - Nikolic R.- Hadzima B.Estimate of weldability of the hot work tool steels via the cct diagrams
Kralikova R. - Pinosova M. - Hricova B.Lighting quality and its effects on productivity and human healts
- Amaddeo C. - Taskin K. - Orhan T
Rudy V. - Janekova J.Support of design of production systems using a virtual reality
- Senderska K.
Atroshchenkov A. - Belyaev N.- Kosyakov E. - Mikhalenko E.-Rodionova M.The impact of lighting on the work of the electronic levels
Sabadka D. - Petrikova A.Specifics of industry 4 development in the context of automobile production
Hulínská Š. - Němec V. - Szabo S.Regulation for aviation safety
Izarikova G.Using solver for a multi-period production planning problem
Baca M. - Muszynski Z. - Rybak J. - Zyrek T.Soil setup evaluation for pile and pile base static testing
Gontkovicova B. - TkacovaA. - Kralik A.Assessment of fdi attractiveness of v4 countries
Kováčiková M. - Štofková Repkova K.Creating a process model by means of selected software tool
Bilgic S. - Akalin K. B.- Kara C.Visual landscapeassessments in road project
Šoltés V. - Štofková J.Options for funding the security in local government
Mares A. - Krivosudska J.Evaluation of teaching quality
Liptak I.Software for displacement determination from accelerometer data
Kubás J. - Štofková Z. - Jangl Š.The impact of state budget expenditures and budget of cities on public order and safety
Malega P.Application of dmaic cycle for improvement of drilling process in the company
GarifullinM. - Vatin N. - Jokinen T. - Heinisuo M.Surrogate modeling for rotational stiffness of rhs tubular joints
- Herbut A.- Rybak J.
- Lascsakova M.
Bilkova A. - Niemiec B. - Kocurova P. - Orsakova D.The issue of barrier elimination in public spaces in the area of the ostrava-svinov transport hub
- Hajdu G.- Papp F.
Jarmai K. - Farkas J.Belt-conveyor bridge design using welded cellular shell structure
- Jiroutova D.
- Karakurt C. - Korkmaz O.
Jokanovic I. - Grujic Z. - Zeljic D.Implementation of designed speed in evaluation of road reconstruction options
- 28- Kubeckova M. - Kucerikova V. - Kubeckova D.
- 29- Lidmila M. - Lojda L. - Bret O.
Kuta D.- Ceselsky J. - Zubkova M.Effect of changes in user demand for user comfort housing in czech republic
Latka D. - Tekieli M.Optical measurements in the field of masonry construction laboratory tests
Liska P.- Necasova B.- Slanhof J.Joint sealing: price vs. quality
Celiki A. O. - Kiricci V. - Insel C. - Guner E.Aerodynamic investigation of embedded geometric features on a solar vehicle
Kolpasky L. - Ryjacek P.Development of fibre-reinforced polymer perfobond rib shear connector
Konasova S.The positive impact of green roofs on mitigation of the urban heat island effect
Koval S. - Ciak N. - Ciak M.Modeling the influence of admixtures on concrete durability with use of probabilistic indices
Kovarova B.3D printers in building constructions – future in building industry
Kozumplikova L. - Korytarova J. - Puchyr B.Analysis of relationship between gdp and construcion activities in the czech republic regions
Krcmar I. H.Traditional and yet forgotten: wooden constructions
Krejsa K. - Janas P, - Krejsa V.Analysis of computational efficiency in doproc method
Majtanova L. - Hanzel J. - Halvonik J.The experimental verification of maximum punching shear resistance
Melcher J. - Krsik J. - Krivakova J.- Karmazinova M.Experiment of vacuum loading on slab from hollow core pannels
Michalowska K. - Pekala A. - Glowienka E.Analysis of the content of strontium in the soil of eastern europe, using gis techniques
- Motycka V. - Klempa L.
Necasova B. - Liska P. - Slanhof J.Research summary: potential of adhesively bonded façade system
- Novotny M. - Liska P. - Necasova B. - Slanhof J.
Orsakova D. - Bilkova A.The influence of parameters affecting the quality of living
Pacina J. - Popelka J. - Tobisch M.Small format aerial photography used for settlement identification in over flooded area
- Palanova K. F. - Juracka O.
Radchenko A. - Petrochenko M.Losses management process on the pre-design stage of construction
Rashid D. - Kolosov E. - Kolosova N. - Soldatenko T.Using the risk theory for evaluating seismic stability of buildings in the middle east
Ribas D.A - Morais. M. M - Cachim P. B.Benchmarks definition: methodology for assessment of economic performance (MAEP-RB)
Šedina J. – Pavelka K.Precise photogrammetric methods for deformation measurements
Stancik V. - Ryjacek P.Experimental and numerical evaluation of the modern slab track behavior in interaction with bridge
Jergova N. Daneshjo N.Human capital status in new economy
Balcierak L. - Brodniansky J. - Klas T. - Duchon V. - Brodniansky J. - Katona O.Laboratory pendulum tests of different types of glass plates
Hrubesova E. - Duris L. - Melichar A. - Jaafar M.Utilization of mathematical modelling to the assessment of tunnel face stabilizing pressure
- Balaz I. - Kovac M. - ZivnerT. - Kolekova Y.
Biela R. - Kucera T. - Konecny J.Efficacy of sorption materials for selected metals removal from water
- Brodniansky J. - Balcierak L. - Duchon V. - Katona O.
- Kottferova N. - Mokrisova M. - Petrovic J. - Durove J. B. - Kzek J.