NR.:7 YEAR: 2015
- Júlia Ondrová
Michal Turošík - Róbert JágerProject of autonomous slovakia within the kingdom of hungary
Miriam Andrejiová - Zuzana KimákováAnalysis of irregular component of a time series of the selected parameter of polluted sewage water
Stanislav Németh - Emil EvinEvaluation of limit deformations of stainless steel sheets
Naqibullah DaneshjoStatistical analysis software- SAS
- M. Baca - Z. Muszyński - J. Rybak - T. Žyrek
E. Hrubesova - J. Marsalek - J. HolisSensitivity of the retaining wall design with respect to uncertainty of soil characteristics
I.J. Baláž - Y.P. Koleková - T.J. ŽivnerStability of timber cantilever with doubly symmetric profile under uniform load q
- M. Karmazínová - M. Štrba - J. Melcher - M. Pilgr
D. Arsić - V. Lazić - S. Aleksandrović - R. R. Nikolić - B. HadzimaOptimal welding technology of the fractured mandrel axle-shaft
- D.A. Ribas - M.M. Morais - A.L. Velosa - P.B. Cachim
K.F. Palánová - J. Kovář - I. Dlábiková - J.P. Janda - T. Babor - O. JuračkaComparison of the selected prague cemeteries
R. Biela - T. KučeraUsing sorption materials for arsenic removal fromwater
P. DanišovičExperiences with road tunnel simulator
J. AbramczykFolded sheet deformations – possibility and restrictions in shell shaping
K. Matulova - S. UncikShrinkage-reducing admixture (SRA) in cement pastes
K. Matulova - S. Uncik K. Zgútová - M. PitoňákAlternative methods of earthworks quality control
J. ŠrámekDeformation properties and fatigue as a functional condition of the asphalt mixtures
B. Debska - L. Licholai - M. JedrzejkoComparison of the properties of various repair systems
- V. Cempírek - I. Drahotský - P. Novák
A. Kryžanowski - T. Birtič - J. ŠušteršičUse of rubber aggregate to improve concrete abrasion resistance
- M. Stehlík - T. Stavař - I. Rozsypalová
K. Taskin - K. PekerAssesing the seismic performance of reinforcement coupler systems in Turkey
S. Nikolskiy - O. PertsevaVerification of reference method for determining concrete's freeze-thaw resistance
K. Jármai - J. FarkasDouble main girder design of an overhead travelling crane for minimum cost
A. Stepanov - A. Podzhunas - A. Ioskevich - S. NikitinFeatures of corrosive effects in reinforced concrete structures
K. A. Kokoreva - N. D. BelyaevEffectiveness of using composite materials in bridge construction
M. A. Kizilaslan - E. Demirel - A. O. Celik - V. KiricciFlow structure upstream of a triangular weir
M. Garifullin - M. Bronzova -A. Sinelnikov - N. VatinBuckling analysis of cold-formed c-shaped columns with reticular-stretched perforations
- Barbora Kovářová
- Z. Muszyński - J. Rybak
E. Radziszewska-Zielina - M. GleńThe choice of ceiling type in the context of multicriteria analysis
Edita SzombathyováErgonomics, analysis and measurement of work
Dominika Palaščáková - Gabriela IžaríkováArchitecture design of production sites management
Andrea KrauszováThe use of selected cax systems in designing the manufacture of a selected product
- Marcela Lascsáková
Andrea Lešková - Albert Mareš - Katarína SenderskáTrends of the materials development for automotive production
Katarína SenderskáDeveloping of customized database applications
V. Lazić - D. Arsić - M. Djordjević - R. R. Nikolić - B. HadzimaElectrical resistance brazing of copper alloys and low-carbon steels
P. Platko - S. KmeťPrototype of an active tensegrity unit: experimental tests nBS 06 and nBS 07
P. Platko - S. Kmeť K. Pavelka - J. Šedina - Z. BíláUse of close range photogrammetry and IBM technology for buildings parts deformation modeling
K. Svobodová - Č. JarskýModeling of time and technological structure of chosen activities during a construction
- J. Šedina - K. Pavelka - E. Housarová
P. Podmanický - M. KovářUtilization of gas chromatography as analytic method in environmental engineering
Mohamad Al AliThin-walled steel members with intermediate stiffeners
Morad Fathalla Ahmed Ben JreedUnemployment and the possibility of processing
Tarjam Ali Bisher Ahmed - Yousef Ali G WafiLabour market, migration and space
Tawfik Mudarri - Samer Abdo Al-RabeeiSecurity fundamentals: access control models